Rebuttal for Death Penalty

Author: Billy Lau // Category:
As well written and organized Bianca’s rebuttal is it gives no factual information to back up their point on why the death penalty is wrong. For example,there is no sure way to judge the crimes of men because it is impossible to not sometimes be bias, notice how she says sometimes instead of always. Her statement is based on her own personal views instead of FACTS. For instance, how most people confuse retribution with revenge,  "People often confuse retribution with revenge... Vengeance signifies inflicting harm on the offender out of anger because of what he has done. Retribution is the rationally supported theory that the criminal deserves a punishment fitting the gravity of his crime...  Retributivism is not based on hatred for the criminal (though a feeling of vengeance may accompany the punishment). Retributivism is the theory that the criminal deserves to be punished and deserves to be punished in proportion to the gravity of his or her crime, whether or not the victim or anyone else desires it. We may all deeply regret having to carry out the punishment, but consider it warranted.  When a society fails to punish criminals in a way thought to be proportionate to the gravity of the crime, the danger arises that the public would take the law into its own hands, resulting in vigilante justice, lynch mobs, and private acts of retribution. The outcome is likely to be an anarchistic, insecure state of injustice.", as said by Louis P Pojman, Phd. Thats a fact and proven by criminals themselves. Some may also argue that the cost of an execution is costly, but professionals argue differently.
As someone smart like Chris Clem, has said ,”Executions do not have to cost that much.  We could hang them and re-use the rope. No cost! Or we could use firing squads and ask for volunteer firing squad members who would provide their own guns and ammunition. Again, no cost." Maybe two dollars, but that is way better than having to lock them up and buy them food.  Furthermore, if we do keep the serial killers and murderers in jail taxes will be raised and instead for education its to keep the scums we fear off the street.  
Morals and ethics have nothing to do with the death penalty. Morals are for guiding people to do the right thing. Serial killers ignore that and therefore deserve whatever is coming to them. Why protect the monsters we need protecting from.” An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” However, what are the chances that the whole world will go on a killing spree.

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