Peer review comments

Author: Billy Lau // Category:
Here are the comments I left for my tablemates' rough drafts...

"Hang Liang"
I think that you should not focus on three questions, but maybe two. I am totally sure you can focus in and talk more about one question. I also suggest you can make a conclusion paragraph if you want. The grammar part is sort of restricting me from understanding what you are trying to say. Also, in the introduction, you can combine most of those sentences.

"Karisa Coleman"
I find that some sentences are seemingly similar and repetitive.I think you should change that, and I think that you should add more cm, because your quotes are very long.I also really like how you can tell the story and answer the questions at the same time.

"Sam Everett"
Maybe to lengthen this draft, which you already have, is to add an introduction with the plot of the story. When I started reading this, I did not know what you were talking about until I read further on into the paragraph. I find that "How did they end up writing this particular book? How is the author's life reflected in the book?" and "What was the author's purpose(s) in writing this book, and how can you tell? How well was this purpose achieved?" are similar questions, and you could tie them all together.

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