Jesse's attack on Sam and me

Author: Billy Lau // Category:

I was browsing through Google reader, and I found this attack Jesse had on Sam and me about Justin Bieber...
That means please give me a break.
     What break? Justin Bieber will never give you a break, he will never stop signing his amazing songs with his amazing voice. You said that Sam and I...
 will both be very lonely if we keep trying to singing Justin Bieber's songs, because if you do then (one) you will be devastated and live a pessimistic life when he dies and (two) you'll probably want to sing his songs for a living or something, but you would barely get any money and end up as a hobo on the street.
     First, Justin Bieber is only like 2 years older than us, so by the time he is dead we are probably gonna have 2 more years to live. Anyways, by that time I would be over him and probably be obsessed with another teenage prodigy. If he dies I will be sad, but I will continue to sing his wonderful songs with joy. Second, I only sing his songs because I like them. I never said I wanted to be like him. If I did wanted to try to be like him and go on American Idol or something, I bet you I would already have a job. So I don't know what you are talking about some hobo on the streets, because that ain't gonna be me. You also said...
 ASTI probably accepted you to cure you from singing those songs all the time. You really need to rethink your life. I hope that when you had your appointment with Ms. Ahn that you didn't say "I want to be like Justin Bieber when I grow up". I'm not saying you can't be a singer, but you can't be so attached to these things. I know music is great to listen to, but I think you're going a little overboard.You need to listen to a new singer or something because you have been singing Justin Bieber for over a month. So consider this paragraph.
     First of all, Asti didn't accept me, so I could stop signing his songs. Hello, Bill of Rights: Amendment 1: Freedom of Speech. I think you need to go back to 8th grade to learn your amendments, because the first amendment allows me to say whatever and sing whatever. Second of all, why can't I be too attach to these things. I like Justin Bieber and I don't have to change. What if you like ballet, should you stop being so attached to it because no other guy is doing ballet? Why don't you think that over?  Jesse thinks he can stop Sam and I from signing Justin Bieber. I do not think that ,that is going to work. So do please try again.

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