
Author: Billy Lau // Category:
I found a quote from Karissa's blog that I can relate to
 I had a very good talk about this with one of my friends who goes there and she encouraged me to keep asking. She also agreed with me on the fact that if parents don't let their kids do anything, they'll most likely end up rebelling later on. Her mom even agreed with me. I told her i would keep asking if I could come with them  but I don't know what to do to change her mind. If you have any ideas let me know. ......maybe I'll ask my dad if I can go next week. He's a lot more reasonable...
     My parents are exactly the same. They barely let me leave the house if I do not have parent supervision. I am 14, I do not need parent supervision. Just the other day, I saw a girl about 8 who was standing by the bus stop alone waiting for a bus to come. She was perfectly fine and her parents did not care. So why do my parents always lock me in the house. I think it is because our parents care for us.
    My parents think I am stupid and that I can not ride the bus home or even sometimes walk home. I think that they worry too much about us. I wonder what they would do once I have to go to college. They probably would put one of those tracking devices on me so they know that I am safe and that I won''t get lost. My parents and other parents seriously have to take a break and let there kids do whatever they want, and if the outcome is good then the parent should let the kid continue what he/she was doing if not then do not let the kid continue.

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