Author: Billy Lau // Category:
I was surfing through the web and I found this...
"Man Cons Woman Into Paying For eBay Auction She Won."
   To summarize this up, a guy on eBay sells tickets for 600 bucks. The event for the tickets were in 24 hours. A woman sees it and wants to buy it, so she bids. After a while, the seller asks why she has not paid yet. The woman said her husband told her not to buy them anymore because it was too expensive. So the seller, is left in a horrible position and he needs to sell the tickets fast. So, he uses a different email and contacts the woman telling her that he saw that she won the tickets. He said he would like to buy them for 1000. So the woman said yes, and she bought the tickets from the seller. The seller then went back on his other email and told the woman that he does not want them anymore. The End.
   I thought this was super clever. I might even do this sometime. Maybe. It was not illegal but it was unethical and really clever. This story also shows how there are two kinds of users on the web: the predator and the prey. I think that the seller will always win, because he controls a lot of things and a bid is a binding contract. Bidding on the item makes a binding contract, but telling someone that they will buy it for 1,000 is a formal contract. What I think is: If you can't buy it, don't bid on it. Why would the woman fall for the email anyways. Listening to a stranger who somehow got your email and is telling you that he would pay 1000 for tickets that are worth less, is just dumb. I think the woman deserves it. But then again, isn't that what eBay is all about. Buying overpriced items from a stranger who will get your address and probably your email. People really need to watch out on the web, and they should really use their brain because it is there for a reason.

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